Mountain bike trails


Boucle de Clausonne - Crédit photo : Damien Desbenoit
Notice balisage FFC

- Nos circuits :

40 resultats pour votre recherche

N°25 (Rouge) - Eygaux du milieu et de Véras


A series of fun singletracks starting from the lake!

Start: Lake parking
Distance: 14 km
Difference in altitude: 610 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°24 (Bleu) - Aiguebelle


Varied tour starting from the lake between forest and Buëch river without any technical difficulty.

Start: Lake parking
Distance: 17 km
Difference in altitude: 330 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Blue mountain bike / Green electric mountain bike

N°23 (Noir) - Pierrefeu et Cuberselle


Chains of technical and typical trails of Veynois. Please note that some balcony passages are exposed.

Start: Tourist Office
Distance: 26 km
Difference in altitude: 765 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Black electric mountain bike

N°22 (Noir) - Cuberselle


A very beautiful loop with a descent on a major trail in the area. Be careful with some very exposed passages.

Start: Tourist Office
Distance: 12 km
Difference in altitude: 530 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Black electric mountain bike

N°21 (Rouge) - Pierrefeu et Châteauvieux


A climb on wide path to the Col de Pierrefeu and a descent entirely on technical singletrack.

Start: Tourist Office
Distance: 20 km
Difference in altitude: 630 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°29 (Noir) - Tour d'Aujour

Le Saix

One of the most beautiful tour in Buëch with climbs on wide path and superb varied descents on technical trails.

Start: bar restaurant parking
Distance: 27 km
Difference in altitude: 1270 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°28 (Rouge) - Col de Villauret

Le Saix

An easy climb on track and a technical descent reserved for experienced mountain bikers.

Start: bar restaurant parking
Distance: 14 km
Difference in altitude: 550 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°27 (Rouge) - La boucle de Clausonne

Le Saix

A classic of the sector combining heritage and fun and panoramic trails.

Start: bar restaurant parking
Distance: 14 km
Difference in altitude: 610 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°26 (Bleu) - Crête de la Pousterle par les pistes

Le Saix

Easy loop with magnificent views of the Val d'Oze.
Passage by Clausonne Abbey and the Gouravour parade.

Start: bar restaurant parking
Distance: 11 km
Difference in altitude: 407 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Blue mountain bike / Green electric mountain bike

N°12 (Noir) - Baumugne et Guillotier


A loop that links the area's beautiful single-track descents with junctions on rolling trails.

Start: Salle polyvalente
Distance: 21 km
Difference in altitude: 940 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°11 (Rouge) - Baumugne


Loop to discover the charming hamlet of Baumugne. A playful descent along a narrow path from the Col de la Bécha!

Start: Salle polyvalente
Distance: 7 km
Difference in altitude: 320 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Blue electric mountain bike

N°10 (Rouge) - L'Aupet


A varied circuit of forest tracks and technical trails to discover the majestic Durbon forest and its Chartreuse.

Start: Salle polyvalente
Distance: 12 km
Difference in altitude: 470 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°9 (Bleu) - La Chartreuse de Durbon


An easy loop in the heart of the majestic Durbon forest, you'll discover the remains of the ancient Chartreuse.

Start: Salle polyvalente
Distance: 11 km
Ascent: 390 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Blue mountain bike / Blue electric mountain bike

N°40 (Noir) - Grand tour de Céüse

La Roche-des-Arnauds

A Gapençais classic acclaimed by Stéphane Tempier who often trains here! A must do for those who have the level!

Start: school Parking
Distance: 37 km
Difference in altitude: 1084 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Black electric mountain bike

N°39 (Rouge) - Ravin de la Mèque

La Roche-des-Arnauds

An ascent on a double track through the Matacharre forest and a rapid descent on a beautiful trail !

Start: school Parking
Distance: 18 km
Difference in altitude: 670 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°38 (Rouge) - Sentier du facteur

La Roche-des-Arnauds

A tour on technical trails. Be careful crossing the footbridge is tricky on electric mountain bike

Start: school Parking
Distance: 15 km
Difference in altitude: 450 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / forbiden on electric mountain bike

N°37 (Rouge) - Les Baux

La Roche-des-Arnauds

Varied and fun tour with a descent on the banks of Petit Buëch.
Be careful getting off the bike on the footbridges!

Start: school Parking
Distance: 11 km
Difference in altitude: 273 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Blue electric mountain bike

N°36 (Bleu) - La Gerle

La Roche-des-Arnauds

Easy tour with an ascent on a little road, Descent on a beautiful panoramic double track and a finish on an easy trail!

Start: school Parking
Distance: 8 km
Difference in altitude: 235 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Blue mountain bike / Blue electric mountain bike

N°35 (Bleu) - Le canal et le château

La Roche-des-Arnauds

Easy tour to discover the Corréo plateau and the Manteyer plain.

Start: school Parking
Distance: 16 km
Difference in altitude: 300 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Blue mountain bike / Green electric mountain bike

N°34 (Bleu) - Tour du Trésaubenq


A small tour without much difficulty in a grandiose setting at the foot of the Bure massif with a finish on a beautiful, fun single track!

Start: Parking Sauvas
Distance: 10 km
Difference in altitude: 270 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Blue mountain bike / Blue electric mountain bike

N°33 (Rouge) - Les Sauvas


An ascent on the road to the picturesque village of la Montagne then a beautiful descent on the single track passing through Les Sauvas.

Start: Parking in front of the Town Hall
Distance: 17 km
Difference in altitude: 600 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°32 (Vert) - Chapelle Sainte-Philomène


Short tour of the Montmaur plain accessible to all on large tracks and small roads. Magnificent views of the Bure massif!

Start: Parking in front of the Town Hall
Distance: 5 km
Difference in altitude: 50 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Green mountain bike / Green electric mountain bike

N°41 (Noir) - Tour de Céüse au plus près


An ascent on the road then on a trail and a magnificent and endless descent entirely on single-track!

Start: City hall Parking
Distance: 28 km
Difference in altitude: 1028 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°15 (Rouge) - La Rouye

La Faurie

You reach the village of Agnielles via a superb balcony single-track which overlooks the gorges! Be careful when returning along the D1075 road.

Start: Town Hall parking lot
Distance: 19 km
Difference in altitude: 620 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°14 (Rouge) - Pont la Dame

La Faurie

A series of very beautiful descents on playful single-tracks! Be careful when returning along the D1075.

Start: Town Hall parking lot
Distance: 14 km
Difference in altitude: 410 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Blue electric mountain bike

N°13 (Vert) - Le canal

La Faurie

A very easy walk along the Saint André canal for families and toddlers.
Start: Town Hall parking lot
Distance: 4 km
Difference in altitude: 30 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Green mountain bike / Green electric mountain bike

N°1 (Bleu) - Les Agniellards

La Faurie

A family-friendly trail to discover the Agnielles gorge and its abandoned village.

Start: Parking des gorges d'Agnielles
Distance: 10 km
Difference in altitude: 290 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Blue mountain bike / Green electric mountain bike

N°2 (Rouge) - Le col de l'Angélus

La Faurie

A fun trail in the heart of the Agnielles gorges, with trails that are never very difficult.

Start: Parking des gorges d'Agnielles
Distance: 11 km
Difference in altitude: 320 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red for muscular mountain biking / Blue for electric mountain biking

N°3 (Noir) - Les balcons de Durbonas

La Faurie

A magnificent, wild and demanding route through forests, alpine meadows and balconies.
Great single-track descents!

Start: Parking des gorges d'Agnielles
Distance: 39 km
Difference in altitude: 1640 m
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°4 (Rouge) - La forêt de Durbon par les pistes

La Faurie

Immerse yourself in the majestic Durbon forest.
The route presents no technical difficulties.

Start: Parking des gorges d'Agnielles
Distance: 25 km
Difference in altitude: 890 m
Difficulty: Red for muscular mountain biking / Blue for electric mountain biking

N°31 (Noir) - La petite Céüse


Superb tour with grandiose landscapes and wild trails made for mountain biking.

Start: Parking - Crossroads between the road D20 : D20a
Distance: 25 km
Difference in altitude: 910 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°30 (Rouge) - Col des Guérins par les pistes


Tour entirely on wide path with beautiful views of the Céüse cliff.
No technical difficulties.

Start: Parking - Crossroads between the road D20 : D20a
Distance: 25 km
Difference in altitude: 760 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Blue electric mountain bike

N°17 (Noir) - Bane et le col du Monument

La Beaume

Beautiful tour of "Haut Val Chauranne" departing from La Beaume with climbs on easy track and beautiful descents on single-track !

Start: parking village
Distance: 22 km
Difference in altitude: 905 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°16 (Rouge) - Fontaine de Bane

La Beaume

After a steady climb on an easy track, the descent is superb on a small path through the Bane beech forest !

Start: parking village
Distance: 18 km
Difference in altitude: 570 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°7 (Rouge) - Les marnes de Seille


A great classic of the sector, with a demanding ascent and a magnificent descent!

Start: Aspres-sur-Buëch tourist office
Distance: 14 km
Difference in altitude: 420 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°6 (Rouge) - Le Chevalet et les Eygaux


A beautiful, varied and undulating route with many sections on small paths.

Start: Aspres-sur-Buëch tourist office
Distance: 22 km
Difference in altitude: 400 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red for muscular mountain biking / Blue for electric mountain biking

N°5 (Vert) - La digue du grand Buëch


Easy, flat loop on beautiful trails.
On hot days, you can cool off in the Buëch.

Start: Tourist office parking lot Aspres-sur-Buëch
Distance: 8 km
Difference in altitude: 40 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Green mountain bike / Green electric mountain bike

N°8 (Noir) - La Longeagne et Marjaries


A panoramic ridge section and a grand finale with one of the most beautiful descents in the area.

Start: Aspres-sur-Buëch tourist office
Distance: 23 km
Difference in altitude: 830 m
Difficulty: Black mountain bike / Red electric mountain bike

N°20 (Rouge) - Thuoux


Easy tour with a descent on a beautiful single track to reach the village of Thuoux.

Start: parking village
Distance: 9 km
Difference in altitude: 260 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Red mountain bike / Blue electric mountain bike

N°19 (Bleu) - Chapelle Notre Dame de Suane


Easy tour on small roads and rural paths to discover Thuoux!

Start: parking village
Distance: 8 km
Difference in altitude: 180 D+ Difficulty
Difficulty: Blue mountain bike / Green electric mountain bike