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Séjours rando Marche Afghane avec Détours en Montagne All year round.
Séjours rando Marche Afghane avec Détours en Montagne

Hike to the rhythm of your breathing.
Walking with breath awareness, the key to energy that will carry you far.
During a stay: 3 to 6 days.
Groups of 4 to 6 people.
Level: 2 shoes.

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Séjours bivouac All year round.
Séjours bivouac "Les Balcons du Buëch" avec Détours en Montagne

The Balcons du Buëch offers breathtaking scenery in the southern Hautes-Alpes.
Itinerant tour in bivouac (or star tour in gîte on request).
Length of stay: 2 to 6 days per group of 3 to 8 people, depending on the formula.
Level: 3 shoes

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Séjour bivouac rando montagne - Adultes From 26/07 to 29/12/2021.
Séjour bivouac rando montagne - Adultes

Etienne, offers you the chance to reconnect with your roots, far from the stress of modern society.
Choice of destinations in the Southern Alps: perched Queyras, Vallée des Loups, Mercantour...

Moderate walker.
Public: adults.

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Stage CLOWN From Saturday 8 to Sunday 9 February 2025 between 10 am and 5 pm.

From Saturday 26 to Sunday 27 April 2025 between 10 am and 5 pm.
Stage CLOWN "Blancs et Augustes"

L'Association " Les Nez 'change" propose un atelier Clown "Blancs et Augustes" animé par Carlos Callegos.
Sur inscription - places limités.

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Massage Thaï From Saturday 11 to Sunday 12 January 2025.

From Saturday 8 to Sunday 9 February 2025.

From Saturday 8 to Sunday 9 March 2025.
Massage Thaï "L'Art du Nuad Boran" cycle 2025

Découverte ou approfondissement de la pratique du Massage Thaï.
Transmission de techniques puissantes au service du Sentir.

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Ateliers Marche Afghane avec From 15/09 to 30/06, every Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Ateliers Marche Afghane avec "Détours en Montagne"

To energize you, regain your breath and your well-being, Marc Vincent offers Afghani Walking workshops on request for groups of 3 or more, or on an individual basis.

Registration required.
Session 2h00.
Level: 1 shoe.

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Office de tourisme sources du Buëch
Avenue Commandant Dumont
05400 VEYNES - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 92 57 27 43
Fax : +33 (0)4 92 58 16 18
Email :
Opening : September to June: Monday to Friday from 9h to 12h and from 14h to 17h and Saturday morning from 9h to 12h
July / August: Monday to Saturday from 9h to 12h30 and from 14h to 18h
Sundays and public holidays: 9h to 12h
Bureau d'Informations touristiques Aspres-sur-Buëch
Avenue de la gare
05140 Aspres-sur-Buëch - France
Tel: +33 (0) 4 92 58 68 88
October to May: Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 12:30
June and September: Monday to Saturday from 9:30 to 12:30
July / August: Monday to Saturday from 9h30 to 12h30 and from 15h to 18h
Sundays and holidays: 9:30 to 12:30


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Crédit agricole
Région provence Alpes Côte d'Azur
conseil Général des Hautes-Alpes
Pays gapençais
Communauté des communes Buech Dévoluy
Le Parc Régional des Baronnies Provençales
Pure Alpes